
My name is Vinny. I grew up in Queens, NY where I fell in love with city living, music, and Yankees baseball.  I have a Bachelor of Music, a Master of Divinity, Certifications in Counseling and Coaching, and twenty-five years of experience as a proven leader. 

I have served churches in New York City, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Philadelphia, PA.  I presently live with my wife, three children, and our cat Remy in Philadelphia where I founded by Design Coaching, LLC which serves leaders in business, ministry, and music.



What Is Coaching?

Most might answer by naming a famous athletic coach like John Wooden or Vince Lombardi.  The International Coach Federation’s definition is: "Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. It is an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses, or organizations.”


What can I expect from you as my coach?

1. Be a partner with you for a season to help you develop as a person and a leader.
2. Provide safety and support in an environment in which you can relax and explore.
3. Respect the confidentiality of the agreements we make.
4. Expand your view of what is possible and promote discovery of new insights.
5. Give you input, straight feedback, and operate as a sounding board.
6. Listen carefully to what you say and ask powerful questions that increase awareness.
7. Be an on-going resource for you in accomplishing your goals.
8. Provide consulting or mentoring only after we have exhausted the coaching process.


What are sessions like?

Before each session, you have the choice to fill out a Prep Form so you can think through what you want to discuss.  Sessions last around 45-50 minutes and you set the agenda for what you want to discuss while I manage the process.  I will actively listen, ask powerful questions, give direct communication, create awareness, help you design plans and goals, manage process and accountability, and conclude each session with action steps which you commit to carrying out.


  • One on One Coaching for leaders in business, ministry & music

  • Group Coaching for strategy and team building

  • Vision, Mission, & Goal Setting

  • Values & Strengths Clarification

  • Leadership Inventory

  • Church Planting coaching and strategy

  • Songwriting and Performance Coaching

  • Worship Leaders & Teams Coaching, Training, & Retreats

  • Sabbatical Coaching

  • Emotional Intelligence Training

  • 360’s
